Learnership Application Form 2023 Intake:
General Notes:
1. Qualifying criteria:
Matric + SA ID Book/ Card
(No Application with Passport numbers will be accepted)
2. Duration of Learnership: 01 July 2023 – 30 June 2024
3. Closing Date for all entries: Friday, 5 May 2023
Option 1.
Email the fully completed application form with relevant supporting documentation (See last page)
through to training2@bidvestcatering.co.za
Option 2.
Your fully completed application form with relevant supporting documentation can be handed in at below address:
Bidvest Catering Services Flavour Academy
c/o Seaton & Glenton Rood
Rensburg 632·Jr
4. New Learners:
4.1. If your application is successful you will be invited to join the Pre-Assessments during week of the 22 – 26 of May 2023
4.2. Note that if you do not receive any invitation, your application was not successful
5. Write in a clear readable hand writing
6. Please complete the full application form – Do not leave any open sections.
DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM HERE: https://bidvestcatering.co.za
OR CALL: Tel (010) 142 1230 and ask for Learnership Application Form