The Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS) is an equal opportunity employer. In the filling of vacant posts, the objectives of section 195 (1) (i) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (Act No: 108 of 1996), the Employment Equity imperatives as defined by the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No: 55 of 1998) and relevant Human Resources policies of JICS will be taken into consideration. People with Disabilities will be accommodated within reasonable limits. Therefore preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the JICS in achieving its Employment Equity targets in terms of the JICS’s Employment Equity Plan.
(Thirty Six Months (36) months contract for all ICCV positions.)
SALARY : R66 117 (3/8th) per annum (Level 5 on part time notch) + 37% in lieu of Benefits.
KwaZulu – Natal Region:
Port Shepstone Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 28/2022
Greytown Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 29/2022
Eastern Cape Management Region:
Mount Fletcher Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 30/2022
Mqanduli Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 31/2022
Western Cape Management Region:
Drakenstein Maximum Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 32/2022
Pollsmoor Med B Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 33/2022
Pollsmoor Females/Medium C Correctional Centre Ref No: JI 34/2022
Oudtshoorn Medium Correctional Centre.Ref No: JI 35/2022
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 and computer literacy knowledge. A recommendation of nomination as an ICCV by a community organization. Public spirited and sound knowledge of the Batho-Pele principles. Assertiveness and ability to work under pressure in a corrections environment. Able to function independently. Passion for human rights. Driver’s license and own transport will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : The successful candidates will be responsible to visit the correctional facility on a daily basis and engage with inmates and officials on complaints and other matters.
Monitor the conditions of incarceration and report on findings. Monitor and report on all instances of death, segregations, use of mechanical restraints and use of force in the centre. Support officials from JICS during inspections and investigations. Administrative tasks will include dealing with and capturing inmate complaints and mandatory matters and detailed report writing.
ENQUIRIES : Kwazulu – Natal Mr. S Sibanyoni /Mrs. S Naidoo Tel No: (031) 366 1900
Eastern Cape Management Ms J Gericke/Mr S Sani; Tel No: (043) 722 2729
Western Cape Management Ms J Gericke/Mr G Wicomb; Tel No: (021) 421 1012
APPLICATIONS : The Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services, Private Bag X9177, Cape Town, 8000. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at Standard Bank Building, No. 1 Thibault Square, 9th Floor, Cnr Long Street & Hans Strijdom Avenue, Cape Town, 8001 Please Note: All applications (irrespective of Region) must be submitted to Cape Town Address.
CLOSING DATE 4 April 2022
NOTE : Applicants are advised that a new application for employment (Z83) has been in effect since 1 January 2021. The new application for employment form can be downloaded at Applications submitted using the old Z83 form will not be accepted. Applications must be accompanied by (1) a comprehensive CV, with specific starting and ending dates in all relevant positions and clarity on the levels and ranks pertaining to experience as compared to the Public Service, as well as at least 3 contactable references, (2) a copy of the applicant’s South African ID Document, (3) a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license where required, (4) a copy of Grade 12 Certificate as well as all qualifications mentioned in the CV and (5) a SAQA verification report for foreign qualifications. (Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents/ copies on or before the day of the interviews). It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof of such evaluation.
Incomplete applications, applications received after the closing date or applications without SAQA verification reports for foreign qualifications will not be considered. The successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of the security clearance process and the verification of educational qualification certificates. It is important to note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all information and attachments in support of the application are submitted by the due date. Due to the large number of responses anticipated, correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful. By submitting the employment application form, you agree and consent in terms of section 11 (1) of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA), to your personal information which you provide to the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS) being processed by the JICS and its employees, agents, cabinet committees, and subcontractors for recruitment purposes, in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013.